An Integrated Course and Field Seminar, Tabernas and
Sorbas Basins, Spain
Course Leaders: Dr. Steve Cossey & Dr. Kick Kleverlaan
5-Day Field Course and Field Seminar
In the field, participants will study outcrops in the Tabernas and Sorbas
Basins and learn the stratigraphy, shape and scale of submarine fan bodies
in a small, active basin.
The outcrops will illustrate the types of geological heterogeneity that occur in
deep water reservoirs, as well as the value of sequence stratigraphic
approaches, paleobathymetric analyses and structural settings for predicting
the large-scale character of fan deposits.
In the classroom, participants will learn the characteristics of architectural
elements in deep water reservoirs (sheets, channels, levees, contourites,
mass transport complexes) as well as deep water processes, sequence
stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, sedimentary remobilization
This instruction incorporates new observations and has been presented
around the world to over 1500 geoscientists, engineers, and managers.
This course and field
seminar will be based in
the small village of
Carboneras, just east of
Almeria, Spain.
Each day will consist of
field stops in the morning
through late-afternoon and
classroom presentations in
the early evening.
The field seminar will be
led by Dr. Kick Kleverlaan
and the classroom course
will be taught by Dr. Steve